Right after the new year, I wrote a journal entry on Philippians 4:8 about Josiah. For years, I have been writing out Philippians 4:8 as a way to process and praise different chapters of my life, so it seems fitting to share it now on this one year anniversary...
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things" (Philippians 4:8).
True: God created Josiah to be our son. God is Sovereign and this was His good plan for our family.
Noble: Answering this call to adopt, even knowing it would be beyond difficult to live out.
Right: Christians answering the Biblical and global call for the orphan, no matter the cost.
Pure: Josiah's precious life, knit by His Creator, in his birth mother's womb-fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).
Lovely: Josiah's smile, the way he loves life, his bravery, his courage to build trust, the way he loves being part of our family.
Admirable: Persevering. "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14).
Excellent: "God places the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6). Not in perfect families, but in messed up, barely holding on families, yet He is near and in this we are called to rejoice.
Praiseworthy: God's character: He is Able, Beautiful, Caring, Defender, Everlasting, Faithful, Good, Holy, Infinite, Just, Kind, Love, Majestic, Noble, Omnipresent, Powerful, Quintessential, Redeemer, Savior, True, Ultimate, Victor, Warrior, eXcellent, Yahweh, and Zealous.
In honor of Josiah's first year as part of our family, would you pray for the world's orphans today? Would you ask God how He specifically has for you to answer the call to love them? I remember Josiah clinging to us as we visited his orphanage the day after he joined our family. He already knew the gift of family and didn't want to turn back, but there were many other children who stayed behind as we drove away. Please consider praying for them today, even as we rejoice in our very own party of 5. And a special thank you to each of you who support us and prayed for us and helped make Josiah ours!
Celebrating 1 Year with our Precious Son!..
Celebrating 1 Year with our Precious Son!..
In other wonderful news!..Isaac prayed to receive Christ into his heart as his Lord and Savior this morning at breakfast! February 17th is truly a special date for our family!!! :)